HHS Students Set to Debate on Nov. 17


This past summer, rising juniors in Hermiston High School’s Advanced Placement Language & Writing class prepared for a public policy debate. On Tuesday, Nov. 17, from 6-8 p.m., the top four teams from both AP classes will hold two final debates in the HHS auditorium.

The public is welcome to attend.

The goal of the public forum debate is for students to communicate in a way that is persuasive to the non-specialist or “citizen judge.” The panel of judges will include the HHS speech coach, an HHS language arts teacher, an HHS administrator, the superintendent of schools, a school board member, and two community members.

The debates will be recorded for future AP Language & Writing students to watch and learn. The winning teams from both debates will have their names memorialized on a plaque, as the winners of the HHS Advanced Placement Language & Writing Debate Competition.

“I am really excited about giving HHS academic stars a place to shine,” said HHS AP Language & Composition teacher Beth Anderson.