Public Weighs In On Community Wish List


The results of a survey of more than 1,000 area people indicate the Hermiston community is in favor of a youth activity center and a year-round aquatics center.

The results were recently presented during a meeting of the Community Livability Asset Oversight Committee which is tasked with developing a list of priorities for the next five to 10 years that will make Hermiston more livable for current and future community members.

Clark Worth from Barney & Worth conducted the meeting and told the committee that 1,037 people participated in the survey. A total of 80 percent of the surveys returned were from Hermiston residents. The participants also included 78 business owners, 84 workers who live outside of Hermiston, and 492 students.

The survey was designed to help the committee learn what community members would like to see developed in Hermiston to make it a more livable city. Along with a year-round aquatics center and youth activity center such as a Boys and Girls Club, the survey also showed strong support for more parks, trails and open spaces, an arts facility and a thriving downtown.

Worth told the committee that a second survey would be conducted designed to determine the community’s willingness to help fund or volunteer for whatever projects are chosen.

The next committee meeting will be at noon on Monday, Dec. 14 at Umatilla Electric Cooperative.