Nominees Sought for Distinguished Alumnus Award


Hermiston School District is seeking nominations for the second annual Distinguished Alumnus Award, which is granted annually to recognize deserving Hermiston High School graduates who are leaders within their respective field of expertise and within their community.

Nominations are now being accepted. Requirements for the award include:

  • Graduate of Hermiston High School, having attended Hermiston High School for at least two consecutive years prior graduation;
  • Leader in his or her chosen field/profession, with a proven record of achievement and at least 15 years verifiable and successful professional experience;
  • Strong supporter and contributor to community service;
  • Willing to serve as a role model for youth;
  • Model citizen with a clean background free of criminal convictions;
  • Supported by strong references and/or endorsements.


“Hermiston High School graduates complete a rigorous program of study, which serves as a foundation for further achievement in a variety of careers and professions,” said Superintendent Dr. Fred Maiocco. “As a result, many of Hermiston’s graduates serve in critical roles in business, industry, academia, and government throughout the United States and the world. The ‘Distinguished Alumnus’ award is intended to recognize such accomplishment and inspire current students to pursue excellence and achievement in their own endeavors.”

The Alumnus for 2016 will be revealed as part of Hermiston High School’s Evening of Excellence on May 10, 2016. Additionally, the Distinguished Alumnus will be a featured speaker of the HHS commencement ceremony on June 4, 2016, and will then serve as a guest speaker and featured role model throughout the 2016-2017 school year.

The 2015 Distinguished Alumnus was Stuart Allen, a 1980 Hermiston High School graduate. Allen founded Allen Trust Company and Allen Capital Management, in 2001. As president and chief executive officer, he guides Allen Trust Company in providing comprehensive trust and investment management services for individuals, families, and charitable organizations. Under his direction, Allen Capital Management, an SEC-regulated Registered Investment Adviser, offers customized and comprehensive wealth management for individuals, trusts, and private foundations.

Applications will be available at Hermiston High School, the school district office and on the school district website.