Standoff in Eastern Oregon Continues


Militiamen from several states continue to occupy the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters in protest of the impending imprisonment of two Harney County ranchers

According to OregonLive, the militiamen participated in several community meetings and organized a rally and protest march that occurred without controversy on Saturday. Afterwards,, they drove south of Burns to the wildlife refuge. They said they took over the refuge headquarters, which was unoccupied for the holiday weekend. They also have blocked the access road. Indications are that this has been planned for some time. Accounts of how many militia are at the refuge range from their own claims of up to 150 to accounts from reporters at the scene that there may be no more than 15, OregonLive reported.

Ammon Bundy, son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, is leading the protest. He said that the occupiers want federal land returned to Harney County ranchers and loggers. They say the federal government has oppressed local people with its ownership and control of land.

Protesters gathered Saturday in Burns to denounce the five-year sentencing of Dwight and Steven Hammond on arson charges. They were convicted in 2001 of starting a fire to 130 acres of public land. The Hammonds say they did so to reduce the growth of invasive plants and to protect their property from wildfires. Prosecutors say they set the fire to cover up evidence of illegal deer hunting.

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