Head Start Plans Literacy Event for Friday


All 205 members of the Umatilla-Morrow Head Start team are coming together on Friday, Jan. 8, to celebrate, and learn even more about making literacy a strong focus for 2016.

Early childhood professionals have long recognized the importance of language and literacy in preparing children to succeed in school. The organization serves 800 children through early learning and preschool opportunities, more than 350 childcare providers and thousands of parents through nutrition and health related screenings and assistance, parent education and home visiting.

Early literacy plays a key role in enabling the kind of early learning experiences that research shows are linked with academic achievement, reduced grade retention, higher graduation rates and enhanced productivity in adult life. Head Start Executive Director said “a big part of equipping children, families and caregivers for lifelong learning and success begins with equipping our team and staff and teachers. Creating a cutting-edge team begins with sharing the latest knowledge and techniques with our staff.”

Knowing that literacy is such a fundamental underpinning for early learning, a “Cradling Literacy” session will show just how to insure reading becomes a focal point everywhere and far sooner than just preschool. National Trainer Kathy Stovall will share how to weave together family engagement techniques with opportunities to create literacy opportunities in all environments.

Themed around Dr. Seuss, the notion that stories can become transformative will be woven into every aspect of the day’s events. There are sessions on The ABC’s of Family Engagement in Literacy, among others. To that end the agency is challenging everyone to go out and find books that are gently used and place them in those wonderful Little Free Libraries throughout our community for a Ready to Read, Ready for School challenge. Altrusa International of Hermiston, a community service organization with a strong focus on literacy, and UMCHS both maintain the libraries to ensure that books are available for all children and families at convenient locations. If the public is interested in participating, please bring your gently used children’s books to any of the UMCHS locations listed on our website.

They will work with Altrusa to make sure they get into the Little Free Libraries. Books can also be placed in the libraries at the UMCHS office, 110 NE 4th Street, and at Belt Park on SW 7th Street, across from West Park Elementary School.