Tickets on Sale for Hermiston DSA Banquet


ISU The Stratton Agency will present the 46th annual Hermiston Chamber of Commerce Distinguished Citizens Awards Banquet on Wednesday, Feb. 3 at 6 p.m.

The Chamber is rolling out the “Red Carpet” again this year as it honors members of the community who have worked for the betterment and success of the greater Hermiston area.

“Hermiston is an amazing community with many passionate people and many who give of their time and resources to organizations throughout our region,” said Chamber President and CEO Debbie Pedro. “We are fortunate to live in a community where people really care and are willing to get involved. I believe that it is the people that make Hermiston such a great place to live, work and play.”

Award categories for the night will be: Hermiston Chamber of Commerce Man of the Year, Woman of the Year sponsored by O So Kleen and Rep. Greg Smith, Bob Severson Rotary Business of the Year presented by Hermiston Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce Award of Merit sponsored by Umatilla Electric Cooperative, Chamber of Commerce Spirit of Excellence Award presented by the ISU The Stratton Agency, the Hermiston Altrusan’s Outstanding Young Citizen Award, the Hermiston School District Educators, Administrator and District Administrator of the Year Awards and Fire Service Award. Your Master of Ceremonies for the evening will be Bryan Wolfe.

The banquet will be held at the Hermiston Conference Center. This year’s dinner will be catered by Columbia River Catering Co and a no-host bar by The Pheasant Blue Collar Bar & Grill.

Tickets are $30 per person and may be purchased at the Hermiston Chamber by calling 541-567-6151 or you may purchase tickets online at the chamber website.