ODOT to Set to Begin Highway 395 Improvements


Oregon Department of Transportation contractors will be constructing upgrades along U.S. 395 in Hermiston beginning next week.

The $3.7 million project will rebuild dozens of ADA sidewalk ramps, update traffic signal controls, install new traffic signals at the Jennie Avenue intersection, install median curbs to control turning movements at the Elm Street (OR 207) intersection, and repave the six-mile-long section of highway between S.E. Fourth Street (mile post 6) and U.S. 730 (mile post zero). Work will begin Feb. 8 and is scheduled to be completed by July 4.

Schedule: Starting Feb. 8 crews will begin installing the new traffic signals at the Jennie Avenue intersection and upgrading the control systems at an additional half-dozen traffic signals. Around February 12 work will start on the replacement of 86 sidewalk ADA ramps along the corridor to bring them up to current safety standards. Paving activities are expected to begin in May and will include grinding out several inches of old pavement, then inlaying new asphalt.

Night Work: Much of the construction work will be performed at night between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. to minimize disruptions to businesses and the traveling public. Night time work includes ADA ramp upgrades, median curb construction and paving operations.

Traffic/Business Impacts: Travelers can expect sidewalk closures/detours during ADA ramp upgrades and signal work, plus lane closures and minor delays during paving activities. Because much of the work will be performed at night, impacts to traffic and pedestrians during daytime hours should be minimal. ODOT and/or contractor staff will work to keep local businesses informed as to when project activities are expected to impact customer access.

Update information will also be posted on ODOT’s website.

Project Goals: This project will improve safety for all travelers using the U.S. 395 corridor in Hermiston. The new traffic lights at Jennie Avenue will include pedestrian activated crosswalk signals to enhance safe access across the busy highway. The median curb at Elm Avenue will help reduce turning movement accidents at this intersection, which has a historically high rate of crashes. The new ADA compliant ramps connecting to sidewalks will meet current standards per the American’s with Disability Act and the pavement upgrades will result in safer, smoother travel along the route.