Highway 395 Schedule for Week of March 21


Day and nighttime construction activities continue in Hermiston along U.S. 395 for the Oregon Department of Transportation’s $3.7 million highway improvement project. Motorists and pedestrians can expect lane closures and minor detours around ADA sidewalk ramps. Most of the work will be performed at nighttime to minimize impacts to traffic and local businesses along the route.

Traffic impacts for the week of March 21 are as follows:

Monday–Thursday 7 am–5 p.m: Miscellaneous signal work at Jennie Avenue and Elm Avenue. Work will be performed off the roadway with minimal to no impacts to traffic.

Swing/Night Shift:
Monday–Thursday 1 p.m.–1 a.m: Continued work on ADA ramps between Highland Avenue and Devore Road (Junction of U.S. Highway 730)

Major Impacts:
Elm Avenue will be reduced to two lanes on the west side of Highway 395. This is to construct the northwest corner ADA ramps on Elm Avenue/Highway 395. In addition, the northbound turn lane from Highway 395 will be closed for concrete pour. Watch for work crews and “Traffic/Change/Ahead” signs. The lanes will remain closed until Thursday to allow the concrete to cure (to prevent damage from truck turning movements).

Other traffic impacts include one-lane traffic after 6 p.m. in multiple areas, including Highland Avenue southbound; Gladys Avenue northbound; Beech Avenue southbound; and between Theater Lane and Elm Avenue southbound. These closures will be removed at 1 a.m.

The majority of the ramp construction should be completed after this week. Crews will need to return after Jennie Ave. signals are complete to construct ADA ramps at this intersection.