Good Shepherd Offers Variety of Volunteer Options

Hospital Volunteers
Cindy Schaan, director of Volunteer Services at Good Shepherd Health Care System, leads a group of pre-school students from Umatilla on a tour of the hospital.

President Richard Nixon established National Volunteer Week with an executive order in 1974, as a way to recognize and celebrate the efforts of volunteers.

This year National Volunteer week happens to fall on April 10–16. Emphasis over time has shifted to not only honoring volunteers for all they do, but encouraging others to volunteer and make a difference in the community where they live.

Cindy Schaan, director of Volunteer Services at Good Shepherd Health Care System in Hermiston said volunteering is a part of the culture of the organization and is encouraged – with many employees volunteering on community organizations at the local and national level, youth athletics, and so on – making a significant difference for the communities of Umatilla and Morrow counties and beyond.

GSHCS also provides volunteering opportunities for those that are interested in making a difference in the lives of our community in the health care setting. According to Schaan, GSHCS can always use more volunteers.

“We always have volunteering opportunities available.” When asked what areas of GSHCS people can volunteer, Schaan said. “We have an active auxiliary group that assists with fundraising events to help provide equipment for the hospital and also give scholarships to community members wanting to pursue a career in the medical field. We have a gift shop, thrift shop, and help out in areas such as surgery, education, wellness – and provide tours of the hospital to elementary school students, just to name a few of our duties.

“We also have junior volunteer opportunities available for high school students. We have volunteers dedicated to helping with hospice patients and providing respite care. We have volunteers that staff our CareVan service and drive patients to their appointments. We really have a robust program with many opportunities for community members to get involved and volunteer.”

As for the kind of individual GSHCS is looking for in a volunteer, Schaan said the hospital is looking for individuals that are dedicated and have “compassion and the desire to be an ambassador for GSHCS in the community and help us fulfill our mission, vision, and values.”

Anyone wishing to volunteer should contact Schaan at 541-667-3690 or, or pick up an application in the Good Shepherd gift shop.