Hwy. 395 Work Schedule for April 11-14


Day and nighttime construction activities continue in Hermiston along U.S. 395 for the Oregon Department of Transportation’s $3.7 million highway improvement project. Motorists and pedestrians can expect lane closures and minor detours around ADA sidewalk ramps. Most of the work will be performed at nighttime to minimize impacts to traffic and local businesses along the route.

Traffic impacts for the week of April 11 are as follows:

Day Shift: Monday–Thursday 6 am–6pm – Continued work on the Signal at Jennie Ave. Minor delays during the day, including possible reductions down to one lane each direction. The new signal is being inspected by ODOT Electricians, prior to the turn on.

The signal is currently scheduled to be activated April 13. Once the new signal is operational, the contractor will remove the old signal and install ADA ramps at the intersection.

Night Shift: Monday-Thursday 6 pm–7 am – Contractor will continue lowering manholes and water valves in the roadway throughout the week. This is to prepare the highway for grinding/paving activities. Traffic will be reduced to one lane each direction from 4th Street to Punkin Center. Signals may also be turned off with traffic control directed by flaggers, as needed.

Travelers can expect minor delays as this activity continues along the route.

Once the manholes and water valves are lowered to accommodate grinding/paving, the holes will be covered with steel plates (below grinding depth). Cold mix paving material will then be added to fill openings and create even travel surface. After grinding and paving of highway is complete, a crew will raise the manholes and inlets back to proper height.

Paving scheduled: Nighttime grinding and paving operations are expected to begin April 18. All dates are estimates and subject to change due to weather and other conditions.

The construction project includes rebuilding dozens of ADA sidewalk ramps, updating traffic signal controls at several intersections, installing new traffic signals at the Jennie Avenue intersection, installing median curbs to control turning movements at the Elm Street (OR 207) intersection, and repaving the six-mile-long section of highway between S.E. Fourth Street (mile post 6) and U.S. 730 (mile post zero). Paving work is not expected to begin until the May time frame. All work is scheduled to be completed by July 4.