Hermiston Seeking 'Artistic' Advice from Public


The city of Hermiston is seeking public input on draft recommendations for public art locations within the city.

Hermiston Assistant City Manager Mark Morgan said input will be solicited during the Eastern Oregon Arts Festival on Friday, May 6, from 6 to 8 p.m. during the Artist’s Reception, and on Saturday, May 7, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. during the Arts Festival. Both events will be on Northeast Second Street directly in front of Hermiston City Hall.

Morgan said the city of Hermiston hired Rebecca Couch, a consultant from Moscow, Idaho, to prepare a public art plan for the community, which includes identification of sites for locating public art, suggested art types appropriate for Hermiston, and development of public art policies. A list of sites for placement of public art has been generated and reviewed by the Community Enhancement Committee. Morgan said public input is necessary to assist with prioritizing the recommended sites for art installation, as well as to learn if there are other areas the community desires to see public art that have not yet been considered.

There will be a third opportunity for public input at the Hermiston Saturday Market in mid-May. It is anticipated that the final public art plan will be completed and brought before the Hermiston City Council for approval and adoption in July.