Happy Canyon to Cast New Acting Parts


Have you always thought you could lend your acting talents to Happy Canyon? You might get your chance on Aug. 7. With Happy Canyon celebrating its centennial this year, show organizers have added several special new roles to the performance.

“I’m looking for, mostly, male cast members to fill some new, and a few old parts,” said Happy Canyon Show Director Harper Jones. “With Happy Canyon turning 100 this year, we have some special things planned for the show.”

The new roles seek potential cast members who are 18 years of age or older. New parts being cast are Hick Band Drum Major, Hick Band Cymbalist, Black Bart, and noted Pendleton ruffian, Hank Vaughan.

“We could also use a ‘folksy’ sounding narrator for a new aspect of the show,” said Jones. Other cast members the show is seeking out include a banjo player and guitar player to do a rendition of Dueling Banjos.

Interested actors should plan to meet in the Happy Canyon Arena at 7 p.m. on Aug. 7 for auditions.

Anyone with questions should contact Happy Canyon Publicity Director Corey Neistadt, 541-240-1081.

The Happy Canyon Indian Pageant & Wild West Show is the official night show of the Pendelton Round-Up and celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2016.