Police Blotter: Invisible People, Drunk Coffee Drinkers


Northeast Oregon Now has dug into the Hermiston police logs to pluck out some of the more unique reports received by the HPD:

RP = Reporting Party

Friday, Aug. 19
10:31 a.m.: RP at Walmart in Hermiston called to report that her purse was stolen today while at the church. She thought at first her purse was missing but now sees a lady at Walmart with it.

Saturday, Aug. 20
1:22 p.m.: Report of an older male at Walmart wearing a gray hoodie, gray beanie, drinking a Bud Light, stealing clothes and is now walking on the sidewalk headed towards the back. No report on the color of the stolen clothes.

4:44 p.m.: An employee at Dutch Brothers reports that a female came through the drive through and said she was intoxicated. She left headed east.

5:18 a.m.: RP at Walmart says there a vacant white house on Elm Avenue with 2 transients going in and out of the house. They are going in and out of the front door. One male has overalls and they are both drinking. There is also a cart nearby.

8:35 p.m.: RP states there is music coming from 12th Street Trailer Court. They have asked several times for the music to be turned down. They have turned it down and then turn it back up in a few minutes. RP states that the neighbors are having a party with 6 or 7 males outside, possibly intoxicated. RP does not need contact, but cannot get the kids to bed because of the noise.

Sunday, Aug. 21
4:41 a.m.: Caller reported missing items taken sometime last night. Missing were protein shakes, salmon-colored size 20 shawl, and all her bottoms. She was asked how entry into her residence was made and she advised she checked all the windows last year.

8:56 a.m.: At Safeway, the RP with amazing eyesight stated he or she followed a white Ford Escort with male driver acting intoxicated, was swerving on Highland, hands were flailing around and he was yelling at invisible people.

10:35 a.m.: RP reports he is a medical marijuana user and someone came and stole marijuana and pipes from inside his garage. This occurred sometime after midnight.

4:28 a.m.: RP at Best Western reports that Pam stayed at the hotel on July 26 to 28 and was giving large tips to people at Best Western and Denny’s. A male showed up today and was harassing employees and asking for money back.

Monday, Aug. 22
7:33 a.m.: RP states that there is a wounded crow in his backyard and his dogs are going to hurt it if he lets them out. He would appreciate an officer to come and help him with taking care of the bird.

9:48 a.m.: RP reports a test driver hit her vehicle in the parking lot at S.E. Fourth St.

10:25 a.m.: BETTER LATE THAN NEVER – RP would like to speak to an officer via telephone regarding 2 missing brothers. RP has not heard or seen them for over a year.

10:42 a.m.: RP reports he has videos of people coming into his house.

12:11 p.m.: RP is requesting an officer contact him by phone ASAP because Aaron keeps calling him and his wife and breathing in the phone loudly.

2:13 p.m.: RP reports a male subject, possibly sleeping under the tree in front of Verizon Wireless. Wearing dark clothing.

3 p.m.: RP reports someone tried to come into his house around 11:45 today. The male saw the RP and then ran off. RP did not get a good look at the suspect but knows he was a thinner male.

4:21 p.m.: RP at a business on W. Hermiston Avenue advises that a male subject walked in selling equipment from his vehicle. He left the items in front of her shop. Unknown type of equipment, unknown what type of vehicle he was in. What is known is the male subject was tall (6′), blonde, medium build, nicely dressed, glasses, blue eyes, and little hair.

5:06: RP gave paperwork to mortgage consultant to see if he could refinance. They were supposed to return the paperwork, but the consultant has not returned the paperwork. This happened about 1 month ago.

7:31 p.m.: Report of nothing seen on surveillance camera at US Bank.