Police Blotter: 'She Is His Mistress'


Northeast Oregon Now has dug into the Hermiston police logs to pluck out some of the more unique reports received by the HPD:

RP = Reporting Party

Tuesday, Sept. 6
You Won, Here’s Your Bill
Occurred on E Pine Ave, Hermiston. RP advised a male called told her she won 2nd prize from Publisher Clearing House and they want her to call them back tomorrow and then send them $3,899.00. Advised RP that this is a fraud call and advised of FCC 877 number to call and report.

Coming Soon on DVD
Occurred at Circle K on N 1ST St., Hermiston. RP in HPD lobby to report she lost her wallet and someone has used it at Heller and Sons this morning. Ron at Heller’s is going to get video.

Suspicious Shadowy Subjects
Occurred on W Orchard Ave., Hermiston. RP states there are three subjects hanging out in the shadows acting suspicious.

Wednesday, Sept. 7
It Just Never Stops
Occurred on SE 2nd St, Hermiston. RP reporting family that has been incriminating her and lying about her since 1984.

Persistent Pooch
Occurred at Gotta Stop on W Highland Ave., Hermiston. RP has dog at large keeps getting into the store, is a black lab with blue collar no name tags would like officer to come get it.

Thursday, Sept. 8
Need a Dirt Bag?
RP with the community garden advised older male subject has been taking dirt from location.

Should Probably Call a Therapist
RP requests to speak to an officer regarding “things going on in his life.”

How’s Your Dish-Washing Skills
Restaurant reporting they have a customer that ordered food and now stating he doesn’t have his wallet to pay. Male is still on scene.

Saturday, Sept. 10
Oh, And One Last Thing
Spanish speaking female, using language line. She said that she needs police, she is being mistreated at her work. She does know her address at work. Juan has a family. She is his mistress.

Sunday, Sept. 11
People Are Strange
Occurred on SW 9TH St, Hermiston. The neighbors behind him are doing strange things. Would like officer to call him.

Bagged or Bagless?
RP just witnessed Clarence walk out of Safeway with cart full groceries unbagged.

Random Rants
RP reports a male subject yelling random things on the corner.

Monday, Sept. 12
Yeah, We Know the Guy
RP reports male subject, the one that rides the bike with bottles and cans is on SW 4t St, throwing bottles and cans at cars driving by. Could not give a description. RP advises he was urinating in the bushes on SW 4th St.

RP reports her 19 y/o brother keeps hitting her. RP advises this has been going on all day. Rp advises there are no drugs or alcohol.

Just in Case
Occurred at E Main St/Se 4TH St, Hermiston. RP advises she heard a bunch of screaming in the above area. RP advises she yelled “I am going to call the cops” and a bunch of kids scattered from the area. RP advises she then yelled to a couple of the kids “Shouldn’t you guys be in bed?” The kids said “Yeah, but we just got jumped.” RP advises that the kids fled the area. RP advises the kids appeared to be middle to high school age. RP does not want contact, just wants it logged in case a kid shows up at school beat up.