Police Blotter: Tree Dwellers & Backtalkers


Thursday, Sept. 22
And Your Concern?
Occurred on SE 6th St., Hermiston. RP states that in the field across from the Cottonwood Apartments there are people in the trees with a fire going.

I’m Telling the Police
Occurred at residence on W Fulton Ave., Hermiston. Sister is throwing stuff at caller.

Based on What, Exactly?
Occurred at Armand Larive Middle School. Three people, looked to be young, watching the RP drive by. RP thought they were acting suspicious. 1 female, two males on bicycles. Female standing next to the curb, Hispanic, larger build, gray or white shirt or sweatshirt, black backpack.

Where Does Jedadiah Come into the Story?
RP reporting Jedadiah was driving a vehicle for Taylor. Taylor got into RP’s vehicle and took $10. RP also advised they were playing “Fugitive”. RP is currently at Funland Park for contact.

Friday, Sept. 23
All of Them?
RP states that she needs advice about what she can do with her 19 year old son. RP reports that her son is coming in at all hours of the night, and RP would like legal options.

Never Mind, I’ll Take Care of It
RP reporting a hit and run/happened a few seconds ago. Suspect vehicle red Chevy Silverado, newer. The suspect driver asked the RP to move her vehicle, he did not wait or have patience then the male reversed and intentionally hit her’s.

No Shoes, No Shirt, No Arguing
At Burger King, there is a disturbance between the boss, two guys are arguing.

Overstaying Its Welcome
RP advises there has been a brown chihuahua at her residence all day. It has an OSU collar on, but no contact info. RP has the dog at her residence and she is home for contact.

Saturday, Sept. 24
RP advises he just got home and found a deceased cat in his driveway. He advised he would like to speak to an officer, not sure of whether or not someone put the cat there.

Fourth Meal?
Employee at Taco Bell reports an intoxicated male that just went through the drive through. The male had two beers in his hand, was last seen headed down 395 towards Safeway.

Older White A-Hole
Occurred on S 1ST St, Hermiston. RP is reporting that a guy ran over a dog on purpose. The dog was in the northbound lane on S 1st St. RP said driver looked at the dog and ran it over. RP moved the dog off the street, 1515 S 1st St. Driver was an older white male.

Is There A Fire Going?
RP states there are transients in the trees near the apartments and is concerned there is drug use going on.

Sunday, Sept. 25
Why the Long Face?
Occurred on W Highland Ave, Hermiston. RP is reporting that there is a loose dog in his yard. RP has it contained, little white dog with long face.

Had Something to Unload
RP is reporting that a semi stopped at the intersection, went into jack box and cussed out people.

Monday, Sept. 26
Good Question
RP wants a phone call to find out why the cops want her.

Tuesday, Sept. 27
Try Being A Parent?
RP states her 12 year old son is talking back to her and not minding her. Would like officer to call her for options.