'Fake' Bus Stops Spotted Around Hermiston


[quote style=”2″]City Seeks Feedback on Proposed Bus Stops, Routes[/quote]

Hermiston residents may notice fake bus stops near their homes and businesses for the next week.

Each stop is identified as a proposed stop for a new intra-city bus route planned to start operations in early January, and is intended to let the public know about the proposed new service, and get feedback about the proposed route and stop locations.

The city’s Public Transit Advisory Committee will be meeting to make a final recommendation to the Hermiston City Council about the proposed service at 5 p.m. on Nov. 1 at Hermiston City Hall, and will be accepting public comment on the service. A map of the proposed route, as well as stop locations can be found on the city of Hermiston’s website.

The new fixed-route bus system in Hermiston also needs a name. KAYAK Public Transit operates various bus routes between Pendleton and other communities, and those routes have names like, “Hermiston Hopper,” “Walla Walla Wistler,” “Pilot Rocket,” and others. The city of Hermsiton’s Public Transit Advisory Committee recommended several names for the new route in Hermiston including, “HART- Hermiston Area Regional Transit,” “Hermiston Looper,” “Watermelon Express,” and “Bulldog Express.” A survey, available on the city of Hermiston website, will allow the community to pick their favorite name, and the PTAC will consider the community’s response in its recommendations to the city and to KAYAK.