Police Blotter: Dog with Poor Customer-Relation Skills


Here’s our weekly look at what folks are reporting to the Hermiston Police Department. Spoiler Alert: The shopping cart is back on the church roof.

RP = Reporting Party

Wednesday, Nov. 9
Walking Emergency
Phone keeps dialing 911, sounds as though someone is walking with it in the pocket.

Part-Time Officer, Part-Time Relationship Counselor
RP request officer contact by phone for options to get his ex-wife Melissa to stop sending texts, emails and leaving harassing phone messages all of the time.

Thursday, Nov. 10
Time to Scatter!
RP states that there are 3 kids throwing things at cars. RP states that the kids threw something that hit his car so he pulled over to see what happened. The kids took off in 3 different directions, RP chased the one on E Reeder.

Friday, Nov. 11
Bad for Business
Employee is reporting that the neighbor’s Chihuahua is chasing her customers back to the front door.

That’s Claudia for You
RP reports he gave Claudia $500 to rent a room. RP reports she won’t let him back in or give him back his money.

Not What You Want to See
Employee reports there was a male that ran through the Circle K parking lot with a chainsaw that looked like it was stolen. The male was a white male, beard, and dark hoodie. Last seen headed behind Stockman’s. He left the chainsaw at Circle K.

Saturday, Nov. 12
Time for a New Babysitter
RP reports she has a 3-4 YO female juvenile detained that she found running down the street alone. RP is at the ARC Bldg. Juvenile is wearing black pants with pink stripe and gray t-shirt.

Prank Gone Wrong?
RP states there is a male that keeps calling her 13yo daughter’s phone, and stating this number was left on his car after an accident. RP states her daughter has had this phone for 2 years and she tried calling the male and explain that they did not hit his car and he will not listen. RP would like an officer to contact the male and advised he is calling the wrong number and to stop.

Sunday, Nov. 13
Bar Shut Down on Account of Rowdiness
RP advises he has two large groups of people inside the bar who were starting to get rowdy with each other. At this time the RP is going to shut the bar down so they have no further problems tonight, he is afraid they will have problems in the parking lot and is requesting an officer drive through the area.

Hard Stares Are Scary Stares
RP states she just got home from work and there are 2 males that were hanging out at the entrance on the corner of Cherry, and they stared at the RP really hard and it scared her.

Monday, Nov. 14
OK, This Needs to Stop
Pastor came to the HPD lobby to report that someone put the shopping cart back up on the roof of the building, and he’s concerned it will blow off and kill someone.

Vehicle missed the turn and drove off the road and is high centered on the tracks, is not injured just a little confused.

Tuesday, Nov. 15
Noted and Logged
Anonymous caller reports that Linda is walking a Pit Bull in front of the 76 Station. No direction of travel as she was just standing there.

It’s Back!
RP advised neighbor’s to the left of them has a Chihuahua that was warned a couple of days ago for harassing clients. RP advised that the dog is back and would like an officer to respond.