City, School District Partner to Keep Events in Town

City-District Partnership
The Hermiston City Council voted to temporarily waive utility fees at the old fairgrounds in order to keep events in town while the Eastern Oregon Trade & Event Center is being completed.

The city of Hermiston took steps Monday night to ensure that longtime events held in Hermiston continue to be held here until Eastern Oregon Trade & Event Center (EOTEC) is fully complete.

The Hermiston School District will take possession of the old fairgrounds on Jan. 1, 2017. EOTEC, however, won’t be ready to host certain events such as high school and college rodeos as well as other events until later in 2017.

The school district has agreed to allow those events continue to take place at the old fairgrounds until EOTEC is ready to host them. However, the district has asked the city to waive any utility fees while allowing those events to be held at the fairgrounds.

Hermiston City Manager Byron Smith said the cost to the city in waiving the fees would amount to about $2,000.

Hermiston Mayor Dave Drotzmann said that price was well worth keeping those events in Hermiston.

“We want these events to be held here, otherwise they’ll find a new home,” Drotzmann said.

“These events bring business to town,” said Councilor Rod Hardin.

EOTEC is expected to be ready to host the 2017 Umatilla County Fair and the Farm-City Pro Rodeo.