Department Gets Grant to Fight Noxious Weeds

Bugloss (Photo: Jeantosti via Wikimedia Commons)

The Oregon State Weed Board (OSWB) awarded $15,660 to Umatilla County Weed Department (UCWD) for common bugloss control.

The award was one of 50 grants totaling $1.24 million provided to local organizations statewide to fund projects that restore, protect fish and wildlife habitat, watershed function, water quality and overall watershed health from invasive noxious weed impacts.

Umatilla County has two known sites of common bugloss; one in the Walla Walla river drainage in the Milton Freewater area and the other in Meacham Canyon. It was first discovered in Meacham Canyon and traced back to Milton Freewater.

“Common bugloss is a perineal weed that poses a threat to our agricultural community. Once established in an alfalfa field it is difficult to control and will mold hay from the inside out” says UCWD Supervisor Teddy Orr.

The 2017 Common Bugloss grant will survey approximately 2,500 acres of the Walla Walla river drainage and treat around 200 acres of farm and residential land. It is expected to begin April 1 and be completed by Nov. 1. Letters will be mailed to the landowners requesting permission to access and treat common bugloss on their property within the next few weeks. If you suspect you have common bugloss on your property you are encouraged to contact the UCWD for identification and control options.

OSWB grants are funded through partnership with OWEB from Oregon Lottery funds.

Since 1999, the Oregon Lottery has provided over $500 million to OWEB’s grant program that helps restore, maintain and enhance Oregon’s watersheds. Combined, the Lottery has earned over $9 billion for watershed enhancements, public education, state parks and economic development. For more information about the Oregon Lottery visit the Oregon Lottery website.

For additional information about this project contact Teddy Orr at For additional information about OSWB Noxious Weed Grant Program, contact Tristen Berg at