HHS to Hold First Annual Research Night

Nineteen of 834 water sources tested within the Hermiston School District were found to have elevated levels of lead, including 13 at Hermiston High School. None of the affected sites, however, were used for drinking or food preparation.

Hermiston High School will be the site of the first annual Research Night at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, May 23.

The event will be held in the school’s library.

Presenters will include Isabel Bartley on how musics affect academic performance; Paola Carmona on how technology affects student performance in school; Alexis Mercado on how GPA requirements affect student athletes; Hayden Meyers on how extra-curricular activities affect academic achievement; Haylie Rahm on what time school should start based on how much sleep teenagers need; and Morgan Wilson on how standardized testing affects academic achievement.

Refreshments will be served during the event.