BMCC’s Feves Gallery Receives Grant

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The Betty Feves Memorial Art Gallery at Blue Mountain Community College is the recipient of a Umatilla County Cultural Coalition grant.

The $650 grant will pay for shipping expenses for artwork from artists residing outside the Pacific Northwest whose exhibits are featured in the Feves Gallery. Traditionally, the Feves Gallery does not have funding available for shipping expenses, and artists incur the expense themselves. This grant allows the Gallery to work with artists outside the Pacific Northwest region and assist with cross-country shipping expenses.

So far, grant funds have been used to ship Ginger Owen and Vicki van Ameyden’s “Heritage Habitats” pieces – an experiential sculptural installation about ancestry – from Michigan for a show in April. Funds will next be used to ship Chris Troutman’s “Drawn Narratives” pieces in October for a special display at the BMCC Baker County Center before being exhibited at the Feves Gallery on the Pendleton campus Nov. 9-Dec.7.

The mission of the Umatilla County Cultural Coalition (UCCC) is to represent and support arts, heritage and humanities throughout the county. Through the Local Grants Program, UCCC provides funding to support the goals of the Umatilla County Cultural Plan. UCCC receives its funding from the Oregon Cultural Trust. The Betty Feves Memorial Art Gallery is a non-profit exhibit space connecting emerging and established artists and their work with students, staff and the general public in Eastern Oregon. The Gallery hosts six exhibits per year, featuring regional and national artists, student and employee work, group shows, and traveling shows from state and federal exhibits.

Opening receptions are held for each exhibit, providing opportunities for visitors to meet the artists and hear about their work. The Feves Gallery also works with local K-12 schools to coordinate field trips to exhibits. For more information, please contact Gallery Director Lori Sams, 541-2788-5952 or