Cruise Control to Play Free Concert Tonight at Irrigon Marina Park

Cruise Control
Cruise Control will give a free concert tonight at Irrigon Marina Park beginning at 7 p.m. (Photo: City of Boardman)

Cruise Control will perform for the Music in the Parks outdoor summer concert series at 7 p.m. tonight at the Irrigon Marina Park, located off Highway 730 in Irrigon.

Cruise Control is a ’50s, ’60s, ’70s and ’80s cover band that plays rock, pop, and country rock music. Together with their unique blend of voices, they play everything from the hard drivin’ rock and roll to the softer melodies that bring back the memories of special occasions and invite the listener to reminisce over experiences that used to be so clear. From time to time the band provides an open mic for people in the audience to display their talents or fulfill their dream of singing with a rock band. The band is very versatile and many times will take requests from the era they cover.

The Music in the Parks concert series is held each summer alternating between Boardman and Irrigon Marina Parks. The concerts are free to the public and begin at 7 p.m. on Mondays. Visitors are encouraged to bring chairs and blankets. Concessions will be available for purchase at the event, courtesy of Judy’s Chuck Wagon. The Music in the Parks series is funded by the Morrow County Unified Recreation District and Portland General Electric and sponsored by the North Morrow Community Foundation. In the event of inclement weather, this performance will be held at the Irrigon Senior Center.

For more information about the Music in the Parks concert series, contact Tami at 541-571-0844.