February is School Attendance Awareness Month


The Hermiston School District made February Attendance Awareness Month. Students’ education and success is the District’s top priority. With the start of a new quarter/semester district officials ask that parents join forces with school administrators and staff to ensure children understand the importance attendance has in their ability to learn and be successful in school.

Research has proven that attendance is the greatest predictor of student success. Simply missing a day or two a month can add up to nearly 10 percent (about 18 days) of the school year. If a student is chronically absent from school, that can be a leading indicator that there will be academic trouble and the student will drop out and not graduate from high school.

According to AttedanceWorks.org, chronic absence, whether it is excused or unexcused, or if the student is suspended from school, the attendance problem may translate into third-graders not being able to master reading, sixth-graders failing classes and ninth-graders dropping out of high school.

It is especially important that kindergartners attend school so that they can have a solid foundation in their early learning years. Attendance habits that are learned at an early age will help them form good habits when they transition to the middle and high school.

How parents can assist:

  • Make sure that your child has all the required immunizations.
  • Address health needs the child might have such as asthma, diabetes, dental concerns.
  • Avoid making medical or dental appointments during the school day.
  • Avoid making extended trips when school is in session.
  • Have a backup plan to get your child to school if something unexpected comes up. Call on a family member, another parent or a friend.
  • Do not let your child stay home unless he/she is really sick.

The district, building staff, and parents/guardians play an important role in the success of each student. Parents/guardians and community can help make attendance an important life skill that will help the child be successful in school, in college and in maintaining a job.