HPD Officer Injured During Traffic Stop, Suspects Remain at Large


The Hermiston Police Department is asking the public for help in locating two suspects involved in an incident that left an officer injured.

Nathan Olney

Around 3 a.m. this morning, Hermiston police stopped a 2014 Toyota Camry for a minor traffic violation near the intersection of N.E. Third Street and E. Gladys Avenue. Upon reviewing the documents provided by the driver, Nathan Olney, 36, of Hermiston, the officer learned the car had switched license plates. Suspecting the vehicle was stolen, he called for backup and a second officer arrived.

The officers were attempting to detain Olney and his passenger, Lucia Madrigal, 30, of Boardman, when the vehicle sped away. The backup officer became entangled on the passenger side of the suspect vehicle. He was dragged for approximately 30 yards before being thrown free. The first officer stayed to help his partner instead of chasing the suspects, who were able to escape.

Lucia Madrigal

The backup officer was taken to Good Shepherd Medical Center by paramedics from Umatilla County Fire District #1. He was treated and released after receiving 15 to 20 stitches and having glass removed from his skin.

Officers found the vehicle, abandoned, a short while later. They searched the car and found it contained stolen tools and electronics from a burglary that occurred outside the city of Hermiston. Officers also developed information that Olney may be armed with a handgun.

Anybody with information about this case, or the location of these individuals, is asked to call 911, or the Hermiston Police non-emergency number, which is 541-567-5519.

“Every day, police officers make decisions in situations that are tense, uncertain, and rapidly evolving,” said Lt. Randy Studebaker. “We never know what will happen when we make a traffic stop. The officer is incredibly lucky that his injuries aren’t worse, and we wish him a speedy recovery. While he’s focused on healing, we’re focused on getting these people into custody. Please call us if you have information.”