School-Related Legislative Committee Coming to Hermiston on April 25


The Oregon Legislature’s Joint Committee on Student Success began its statewide tour last month to explore the best practices employed in Oregon’s most successful schools and address the gaps that are limiting student success in other schools.

The schedule of 10 planned public hearings includes a stop in Hermiston on Wednesday, April 25 at the Hermiston High School auditorium, 600 S. First St. The hearing begins at 7 p.m.

Committee Co-Chair Sen. Arnie Roblan (D-Coos Bay) said that one of the key tasks is to see firsthand what’s working in successful schools and determine how to duplicate their success in schools across Oregon.

Greg Smith
Rep. Greg Smith

“Our state is full of thousands of hardworking teachers and education leaders who want to see our students succeed, and I am honored to be able to travel around the state to meet with and listen to them,” said Rep. Greg Smith (R-Heppner), vice-chair of the Joint Committee on Student Success. “The future of our state depends on our ability to teach and train the next generation of Oregonians, especially students in rural Oregon.”

Rep. Barbara Smith Warner (D-Portland), committee co-chair, pointed out that what might work in one part of the state to support students from their elementary years to graduation and beyond might be different than another part of the state. The unique needs of students must be recognized and addressed, no matter where they live in Oregon.

“We want to hear from Oregonians about what they want in their K-12 schools,” said committee Co-Vice Chair Sen. Tim Knopp (R-Bend). “With that vision, the Legislature can work in partnership with our school districts to create an efficient education system that best serves our students.”

The plan to improve student success includes a budget proposal that ensures every student in Oregon, regardless of where they go to school, will have the opportunity to achieve success.