Echo Kiwanis Awards Three Seniors


The Echo Kiwanis Club has awarded scholarships to three Echo High School seniors.

Alyssa Ray
Natalie Sherbahn

The club awarded Natalie Sherbahn and Alyssa Ray $1,500 scholarships and Monique Montoya received a $1,000 scholarship.

Alyssa has a 4.0 grade point average and plans to attend George Fox University on her way to becoming a pediatric occupational therapist. She is a member of the Honor Society and is this year’s class valedictorian.

Monique Montoya

Natalie also has a 4.0 GPA and intends to go to college near relatives at the College of the Ozarks in Missouri. She intends to study mathematics and religion and aspires to be a teacher and serve in religious ministry.

Monique, currently from Stanfield and already taking college level courses, is planning to attend Mount Hood Community College next fall on her way to serving as a school counselor or youth psychiatrist.