Hermiston High School Offering Multiple Summer Camps


Hermiston High School has announced the long list of Future Dawgs youth sports camps they’re offering this summer, beginning in June. Here’s the rundown:

Youth Football Camp for incoming grades 2-8 runs Friday and Saturday, June 1-2 at Kennison Field. The cost is $40. For more information, contact Coach David Faaettetee at 541-301-1779 or david.faaettetee@hermistonsd.org.

Boys and Girls Tennis Camp for grades 3-8 runs Monday through Thursday, June 11-14 at the high school tennis courts. The beginner level is for those just starting the game, and the intermediate level is for middle schoolers wanting to play in high school. The cost is $55.

Boys and Girls Basketball Camp is for grades 3-8. The boys’ camp runs Tuesday and Wednesday, June 12-13 at Armand Larive Middle School, and the girls’ camp runs Monday through Wednesday, June 11-13 at the high school. The cost is $65.

Movement and Agility Development Camp for incoming grades 6-8 runs Mondays through Wednesdays through the summer at the high school training facilities. All equipment is provided. The cost is $100 and is due by June 1. For more information, contact Coach David Faaettetee at 541-301-1779 or david.faaettetee@hermistonsd.org.

Marching Band Camp for incoming grades 7-8 runs Monday through Friday, June 11-15 at the high school and Kennison Field. A field show performance will be on Friday, June 15. The cost is $30.

Boys and Girls Soccer Camp for grades 3-8 runs Monday through Thursday, June 11-14 at Kennison Stadium. The cost is $40.

Softball Camp for grades 2-7 runs Thursday and Friday, June 14-15 at the fields at Rocky Heights Elementary School. The cost is $40.

Volleyball Camp for grades K-3 and grades 4-8 runs Monday through Wednesday, June 18-20 at the high school main gym. The cost is $65.

The Fall Youth Cross Country program for grades 1-6 has its first practice on Sept. 13 at Sandstone Middle School. The cost is $35 each, or a family maximum of $75.

The costs for all camps include T-shirts. To register, download the form online and return with cash or check to HHS Athletics, 600 S. First St., Hermiston; or register online. Sign up as a guest, complete the registration form and pay with a credit card.