BLM to Hold Pair of Public Meetings on Sage-Grouse Amendments


As the next step in aligning federal habitat conservation efforts with state wildlife management plans, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will hold two meetings in Oregon beginning June 27, 2018, to provide information and answer possible questions regarding the recently released draft amendments to sage-grouse plans finalized in 2015.

Draft Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) and amendments to the 2015 plans were published on May 4, 2018, beginning a 90-day public comment period.  The public meetings will help attendees learn about the draft plan amendments and formulate written submissions before the comment period ends on August 2, 2018.

“The planning process respects individual states’ approaches to wildlife population management.  We believe that the resulting federal and state plans will build on an already successful relationship in Oregon,” said Oregon/Washington state director Jamie Connell.  “After almost three years, we have a good idea of what is working, what needs to improve and how to align federal plans with state plans to better achieve results,” continued Connell.

Western governors have sought changes to the 2015 plans for BLM-managed lands in their states, which spurred the BLM in proceeding with the plan amendments.  Comments on the draft amendments will guide the BLM in finalizing changes that build on and strengthen these plans to conserve public land habitat in cooperation with state plans for managing wildlife species.

Plan amendments could affect up to 61 land-use plans for about 53 million acres in seven western states.  In Oregon, eight plans guiding management on approximately 22,000 acres of public land could be revised.

The public meetings will be held in an open-house format, with BLM specialists attending information stations to interact with meeting attendees to provide answers or additional information.  Oral comments will not be accepted at the meetings, but computer terminals will be available for submitting written comments on-site.

Oregon meetings will be at:

Ontario:        June 27, 5:00-7:00 pm   Four Rivers Cultural Center
676 SW Fifth Ave., Ontario, Ore. 97914

Lakeview:    June 28, 5:00-7:00 pm   BLM Lakeview District Office
1301 S. G St., Lakeview, Ore. 97630