Boardman Quilt Group’s 14th Annual Show Set for Boardman Senor Center


Boardman’s 14th annual quilt show will be held on Oct. 12-13 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Boardman Senior Center, 100 Tatone Street, Boardman.

The two quilts pictured are the two raffle quilts and tickets will be available at the show.  Pulled pork and pie will be served for lunch.  All area quilters are encouraged to enter quilts they have made or their old treasured quilts made by previous generations.  There will also be a youth entry group for younger quilters. To enter a quilt email contact Lila at   Contact by Oct. 1, 2018 for registration and drop off information.

The Boardman Quilt Group has donated quilts to Brookdale Assisted Living in Hermiston, baby quilts to Good Shepherd Medical Center, the Oregon State Police in Hermiston, and fire victims in California.

Kathy Morgan is the local featured quilter and vendors will include Thimbles from Pendleton, Sewing Basket from Prosser and Serendipity Designs from Heppner.