States Fishery Managers Modify Columbia River Fishing Regulations


Fishery managers from Oregon and Washington modified regulations for the mainstem Columbia River recreational fishery today. The following sportfishing regulations will be in effect from July 1-31.

As of Sunday, July 1, the retention of adult Chinook is prohibited in the mainstem Columbia River from the Astoria Megler Bridge upstream to Bonneville Dam.

Also as of July 1, the retention of sockeye is allowed throughout the mainstem Columbia River (from the Astoria-Megler Bridge upstream to the OR/WA border).

Summer Chinook passage at Bonneville Dam has been lower than expected, resulting in a reduced harvest allocation which has already been achieved in the lower Columbia River. Based on passage to date, the Sockeye return is predicted to be double preseason expectations, allowing for retention opportunity.

The daily adult bag limit remains unchanged (two fish), but will be limited to hatchery steelhead and sockeye only downstream of Bonneville Dam. All sockeye are considered adults and must be recorded as adults on the combined angling tag. Retention of hatchery jack Chinook remains open under permanent regulations.