Sheriff’s Office Releases Results of Enhanced Patrol Efforts in July


The Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office conducted three enhanced patrol events during the month of July.

The events were the Fourth of July holiday, Pendleton Whisky Music Fest, and Pendleton Bike Week. During the course of the three events, deputies worked over 27 hours of enhanced patrols. The deputies made 42 contacts with motorists, gave 23 verbal warnings and issued 19 citations. Seven of the citations were for distracted driving offenses, such as driving while using a cell phone. Two DUII arrests were also made during the enhanced patrols.

These events are funded through a grant from the Oregon State Sheriff’s Association. The next grant event will be during the Umatilla County Fair, Aug. 6-11.

Report suspected drunk drivers by calling 541‐966‐3650, or 911 if it appears to be an emergency.