Police Looking for Pair Who Tried to Steal Shopping Cart Full of Goods


The Hermiston Police Department is searching for a man and woman who walked out of Walmart recently with a shopping cart full of merchandise without paying for any of it.

The incident happened on Aug. 16 around 2:24 p.m. when a Walmart employee saw a male and female push a shopping cart full of high value merchandise past all points of sale without paying for the items. The items set off the alarm system at the door.

By the time the employee caught up to them, they were at their car and about to load the stolen merchandise. After being confronted by the employee, the pair abandoned the stolen merchandise and fled in a blue 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix with Washington license plate ABH8810. Fortunately, all the stolen merchandise was recovered.

The Hermiston police have posted security camera photos of the two in case someone recognizes who they are. (Photos shown at end of this story)

“Having a license plate is always helpful, but is not always all the information we need to clear this kind of case,” said HPD Cpt. Travis Eynon. “We have asked for some help from Washington authorities and they are working on getting us some information. We are also hoping that perhaps someone recognizes them from the pictures. The pictures are not the best quality, but perhaps if someone saw something in the store that day or possibly knows one or both of these subjects, even a poor picture can help us.”

The male was wearing a gray shirt, green hat and blue jeans. The female was wearing a light blue or white tank top and blue jeans.

Eynon is asking anyone who may know or recognize them to call HPD’s 24-hour dispatch number and ask to speak with any police officer from the Hermiston Police Department. The case number for reference is 18-2096.

. . . and this man in connection to an attempted shoplifting at Walmart on Aug. 16.
Hermiston police are looking for this woman . . .