ODFW to Hold Public Meeting Jan. 9 on Ladd Marsh Management Plan


The Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) will host a public meeting on the Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area Management Plan on Jan. 9 in La Grande.

The meeting will be from 6-8 p.m. at the Community Center, Cook Memorial Library, 2006 Fourth St.

The ODFW are not recommending major changes to the Ladd Marsh WA Management Plan, but members of the public are welcome to offer their suggestions at the meeting. Public comment can also be emailed to wildlife area manager Kyle Martin at Kyle.W.Martin@state.or.us no later than Jan. 18.

Ladd Marsh is one of several wetlands-focused wildlife areas in Oregon, and features the largest hardstem bulrush wetland remaining in northeast Oregon. It is popular with hunters and wildlife viewers.

Visit the Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area Visitor Guide to learn more about the wildlife area and to see the draft updated Plan.