Hermiston Chamber of Commerce to Host Business Luncheon


The Hermiston Chamber of Commerce will host its quarterly Business to Business Luncheon on Tuesday, Jan. 15 at the Hermiston Community Center, 415 S. Highway 395.

Guest speakers are Assistant City Manager Mark Morgan, and Kathy Erz and Stacey Stanek with Columbia River CPA Services. The topic is Hermiston’s opportunity zone.

The event starts promptly at 11:45 a.m. and is open to the community, businesses and organizations. The cost is $15 per person. For more information or to register, contact the Hermiston Chamber of Commerce at 541-567-6151, www.hermistonchamber.com or info@hermistonchamber.com.

The Oregon Water Coalition and the Northeast Oregon Water Association annual meetings will also take place on Jan. 15 at the community center, beginning at 8 a.m. Guest speakers in the morning include April Snell, director of OWRC, Karen Lawotsky with the Oregon Environmental Council, and John Audley with Oregon Business Council Water Agenda. Topics include the Basalt Bank Taskforce, the Ordnance Water Project, and program development efforts. The event will continue with the chamber luncheon at noon.

For a complete agenda for the day, visit the chamber website. For more information on the Oregon Water Coalition, contact Ray Kopacz at 541-449-3272 or J.R. Cook at NOWA at 541-969-8026.