Heritage Station Offering Free Visit


Every month, Heritage Station Museum in Pendleton offers two free opportunities for families to come visit and see what it has to offer.

Free First Saturday is coming up on May 4. Visitors will enjoy a one-day display of military items, many of them from World War II, that will be part of a new permanent exhibit. Military enthusiasts and veterans will be on hand for discussions.

Terrific Tuesdays cover a wide array of topics: Century Farms, family history, mysteries at the museum, old settlements in the county and more. On May 7 at 7 p.m., Rob Foxcurran, co-author of the book “Songs Upon the Rivers,” will give a presentation on the Metis and French-speaking Canadiens. These groups played an important role in the formation of the Pacific Northwest and in American history.

Heritage Station Museum is located at 108 S.W. Frazer in Pendleton. For museum hours and other information, visit the Heritage Station website or call 541-276-0012.