Hermiston School District Announces Several Administrative Changes


Hermiston School District Superintendent Tricia Mooney will promote from within the administrative ranks to fill the role of Sunset Elementary School principal, due to the expected departure of the current principal.

Jerad Farley

Sunset Elementary School Principal Dr. Christie Petersen notified the district that she is planning to relocate back to the Hillsboro area, citing personal reasons. In response to her move, Mooney expressed thanks to Dr. Petersen for her service and wished her the best in her future endeavors.

To fill the principal post of the largest elementary school in the district, Superintendent Mooney called on Rocky Heights Elementary School Principal Jerad Farley. RHES Dean of Students Becky Bacon will join Farley at SES.

Stefani Wyant

To backfill Farley’s post, current Armand Larive Middle School assistant principal and former Rocky Heights teacher Stefani Wyant will be promoted to Rocky Heights principal, and Anthony Voelker, the current SES dean of students, will partner with Wyant at Rocky Heights.

“An administrator’s vacancy usually leaves a big void, but thankfully, Hermiston School District is blessed with a strong administrative team,” said Mooney. “I was able to look at the district’s leadership strengths and current needs to fill posts internally.”

The vacant assistant principal position will also be filled by Hermiston High School science teacher Juan Rodriguez.

Staff changes will take effect on July 1.