Elderly Man Lured Out of Home by Woman While House is Burglarized


Around 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, a woman knocked on the door of elderly man in Athena. The woman said she wanted to talk to the man about church, and while she did, another person entered the home and burglarized it.

The Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office is warning residents to be aware of any attempt by people to lure you out of your home on false pretenses, such as what happened in Athena on Sunday.

According to Lt. Sterrin Holcomb, the woman had asked the Athena resident to step out onto the back deck of his home on High Street to discuss church. While the victim was outside talking with the female, another individual entered the residence and burglarized the home. Holcomb said the female then left on foot. She is described as a white female, 30 to 40 years old, with shoulder length brown hair, wearing an orange and white shirt and jeans. Items stolen from the residence include a .40 caliber handgun.

Holcomb said that after the burglary, another citizen in the area reported seeing a woman matching the description getting into a white Jeep Wrangler four door, with half doors and no top.

Holcomb said the investigation is continuing.

The sheriff’s office is asking citizens to be aware of the method that was used, especially senior citizens who are living alone, and report any suspicious activity. Anyone having additional information is asked to call the 24-hour dispatch center at 541-966-3651.