Umatilla to Hold Ribbon-Cutting Event for Recently Upgraded Kiwanis Park


The city of Umatilla is hosting a ribbon-cutting ceremony at Kiwanis Park on Friday, Sept. 6.

The event will be at 1 p.m. and will celebrate the new park improvements and to recognize the contributions of the Good Shepherd Health Foundation and the Hermiston Kiwanis Club.

In 2018, the Umatilla Parks and Recreation Committee invited Umatilla High School Youth Advisory Council to help identify which city parks were highest priority. The students sent out a survey and, based on a response rate of about 200, Kiwanis Park was identified as the most used and most in need of improvements.

Good Shepherd Health Foundation awarded the city an $18,000 grant towards new playground equipment. Hermiston Kiwanis donated $7,000 for lights at the basketball court. The city added funding to build a second basketball court with lights, fence, and other improvements.

The ribbon cutting will include a short presentation by the mayor, city manager, and others. Refreshments will be provided.