Umatilla Officials to Gather Citizen Input on Draft Master Trail Plan


Umatilla officials will host an open house on Tuesday, Sept. 10 to collect input on the draft master trail plan.

The event goes from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Umatilla City Hall.

City staff and the Umatilla Parks & Recreation Committee have been working on the plan for the past two years. The goal is to link together numerous segments of trails.

The open house will allow the public to review maps, draft recommendations, priorities and goals of the intra-city trail plan. Comments and suggestions gathered at the open house will be used to refine the plan before it is finalized.

Draft materials for review will include maps of the three regions of Umatilla: McNary, downtown, and South Hill. A short presentation will be made from 5:30–6 p.m., followed by an open house.

Refreshments will be provided.