Feves Gallery Receives Umatilla County Cultural Coalition Grant


The Betty Feves Memorial Gallery has created a new educational display to help break down perceived barriers about visiting an art gallery thanks to a $465 grant from the Umatilla County Cultural Coalition.

As an educational gallery, part of the mission of the Feves Gallery, located at Blue Mountain Community College, is to foster an appreciation for art. However, not everyone feels comfortable going to an art gallery or attending an exhibit. The gallery solicited feedback from students who don’t typically visit an art gallery in an effort to help break down barriers to art and the gallery. Feedback included statements that students don’t feel they belong at an art gallery or are worried they won’t understand the art.

The focus of this new educational display is to provide information to help break down these perceived barriers to art. The display includes large vinyl lettering on the wall just outside the Gallery that says, “Art is for Everyone!”, along with two panels that include information explaining what artwork labels tell the viewer, what an artist statement is, some aspects of color theory, an explanation of the Elements of Art, and a cartoon to address people’s concerns about not understanding the art. In addition, a side table with art books are available for visitors to peruse.

“We are very thankful for the support from the UCCC,” said Lori Sams, director of the Feves Gallery. “This educational display will provide a valuable teaching tool, offering information to help people feel more comfortable in an art gallery, which will help people better connect with art.”

The gallery’s current exhibit is “This Good Land: Contemporary Native Artists from Oregon”, which features work from the permanent collection of Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts with prints by Native artists from Oregon. It runs through Dec. 5.