Forget About Black Friday Shopping, This Year Try Black Friday Fishing


It’s easy to #OptOutside in Oregon on the Friday or Saturday after Thanksgiving—you can fish, crab or clam for free anywhere in the state.

Oregon Fish and Wildlife hosts annual Free Fishing Days the two days after Thanksgiving. That means on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 29-30, 2019, no fishing licenses or tags (including a Combined Angling Tag or Columbia River Basin Endorsement or Two-Rod Validation) are required to fish, crab or clam anywhere in Oregon.

Got relatives or friends visiting Oregon from out of state? They can come along, too — non-residents are also free on these two Free Fishing days.

Although no licenses or tags are required, all other fishing regulations apply including closures, bag limits and size restrictions. See the Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations to find out more.

If you’re planning to fish for salmon, steelhead or marine fish, make sure to check the zone where you are fishing in ODFW’s Recreation Report for the latest on season and bag limits because regulations for these species change in-season.

The Recreation Report comes out weekly and also features the latest on fishing conditions and opportunities, so check it out before you make your Free Fishing Days plans. Beginning anglers can try fishing for holdover trout available where lakes and ponds have been stocked earlier in the year; trout are actively feeding in preparation for winter. Crabbing can be also be good during the winter months.

If you are crabbing or clamming, don’t forget to call the Shellfish safety hotline at 1-800-448-2474.