Riverside High School Offering Free Tutoring for Students on Fridays


Riverside High School is offering free tutoring for students who need help in math, language arts, science or electives, or who need to make up a missed test or get caught up on homework.

Sessions take place on Fridays from 7 to 11 a.m. in the library. To set up services, call the school counselor, Elizabeth Rosen, at 541-481-2525, extension 2114, or email Elizabeth.rosen@morrow.k12.or.us or email the school tutor, Leah Harris, at Leah.Harris@imesd.k12.or.us. For translation services, email Nancy Rodriguez at Nancy.rodriguez@morrow.k12.or.us.

For assistance with transportation on Fridays, email Cristal.romero@imesd.k12.or.us in English or Spanish.