Lori Davis Elected to Small Cities Council for National League of Cities


Hermiston City Councilor Lori Davis has been selected to serve on the National League of Cities Small Cities Council.

Lori Davis

The council’s mission is to connect leaders with other municipal officials representing communities of 50,000 or fewer citizens.

“I look forward to strengthening Hermiston’s ties to America’s small cities,” Davis said. “We are able to share ideas and gain resources to better the lives of Hermiston residents.”

Davis grew up in Hermiston, is a graduate of Hermiston High School and works at Two Rivers Correctional Institution. Davis has been on the Hermiston City Council since 2009 and was elected to a third term in 2018.

As a member of the Small Cities Council, Davis will play a key role in identifying common trends across municipalities and developing policy options and responses for cities, towns and villages.