Boaters Still Required to Stop at Invasive Species Inspection Stations


While the state of Oregon is currently not recommending out-of-state residents visit the state for recreation due to the governor’s Stay Home, Save Lives order, all watercraft entering Oregon are still required to be inspected at an aquatic invasive species station when the stations are open.

This includes commercial watercraft, which, will account for most of the inspections while the stay-at-home order remains in effect.

Located throughout Oregon, stations are open if large, orange “Boat Inspection Ahead” signs are posted on highways followed by “Inspection Required for All Watercraft.”

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife inspection stations in Ashland and Ontario are open year-round. Seasonal stations open May 12 in Umatilla, Brookings, Klamath Falls and Lakeview.

Inspections for aquatic invasive species typically take five to 10 minutes. ODFW staff working at the stations are taking necessary precautions to protect themselves and others against the spread of COVID-19 by wearing proper protective equipment and maintaining physical distance from others.

Watercraft found with aquatic invasive species attached are decontaminated on the spot. Both boat inspections and decontaminations, if needed, are free.

Inspecting boats coming into the state is the first line of defense in keeping aquatic invasive species such as zebra or quagga mussels, snails and aquatic plants out of Oregon. These invaders can cost millions in damage to water delivery systems and serious environmental damage to our rivers, lakes and native aquatic species.

“It’s important for boaters to stop at these stations, get a free boat inspection, and help keep aquatic invaders out of Oregon and Pacific Northwest waters,” said Rick Boatner, ODFW invasive species supervisor.

Anyone hauling a boat who doesn’t stop at an open station could receive a $110 fine.