Hermiston City Hall, Library, Parks & Rec Offices Will Re-Open Monday


The city of Hermiston will re-open many of its facilities beginning Monday, June 15, with continued safety measures in place to protect the health of residents and staff.

Umatilla County has entered Phase II of the State of Oregon’s re-opening plan, permitting public and private facilities to resume a wide range of services and activities. Hermiston reopened all city parks and playgrounds this week and will re-open City Hall, the Hermiston Public Library, and the Parks and Recreation office on June 15.

The Family Aquatic Center will open a portion of its amenities on Wednesday, June 24, and the Splash Pad at Butte Park will re-open Saturday, June 13.

“For the past three months we’ve adjusted operations across all city departments to maintain a high level of customer service for residents while abiding by guidelines from state and county health officials,” said Hermiston City Manager Byron Smith. “Even as we begin to reopen and return to normal, we encourage residents who are uncomfortable visiting city facilities in person to call or email and we will work with them to maintain services in an appropriate manner.”

Cleaning protocols, including regularly disinfecting counters, door handles, handrails, bathrooms, and other high-touch surfaces, will continue in every department and city office. Plexiglass dividers have also been installed at customer service desks to prevent the spread of germs.

Hermiston City Council and Hermiston Planning Commission meetings will be held at the Hermiston Community Center beginning Monday, June 22, to accommodate larger public attendance. The meetings will continue to be available by video on the city’s YouTube channel and website.

Below is a list of operating hours and on-site restrictions and recommendations for facilities that will reopen on Monday.

  • City Hall/Building Department, 215 E. Gladys Ave.
    • Open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    • Distancing markers will be posted inside the building.
    • The outdoor customer service window on the north side of the building will continue to be available for those who don’t wish to come inside.
    • Payments can be made online, by mail, by phone, and at the City Hall dropbox.
  • Hermiston Public Library, 235 E. Gladys Ave.
    • Open Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    • A limited number of people will be allowed in the building at a time.
    • Groups of patrons must keep a safe distance from each other and staff.
    • Checked out items will be quarantined for three days upon return.
  • Parks and Recreation Department, 415 S. Highway 395
    • Open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    • Guidance information will be posted on site.
  • Hermiston Family Aquatic Center, 879 W. Elm Ave.
    • Will open for limited use on June 24 with expanded operations to follow.
    • Groups of 10 or fewer can reserve 1.5 hours of time at bit.ly/hermistonaquatics and will be given access to a specific section of the pool. Reservations can be made beginning June 22.
    • Locker rooms will remain closed, but restrooms will be available.
  • The Splash Pad at Butte Park
    • Opens Saturday, June 13.
    • Usage guidance will be posted on site.
  • Hermiston Municipal Court, 330 S. First St.
    • Will remain open by appointment only until additional safety protocols can be put in place.