New Grant Money Available to Small Businesses in Eastern Oregon


The Greater Eastern Oregon Development Corporation (GEODC) has been awarded $370,000 from Business Oregon to support small businesses in its seven-county region.

The bulk of that amount – $200,000 – will go to Umatilla County while Morrow County will receive $30,000.

Business Oregon approved $5 million statewide in the second round of grants through the Emergency Business Assistance Grant Fund to help businesses that have been impacted by COVID-19 but have not received federal CARES Act funding.

The program is for businesses with fewer than 25 employees and encourages providing access to sole proprietors and historically disadvantaged business owners.

Businesses may use the proceeds for any business-related operating expense, including the cost of reopening while abiding by state guidance.

“We are pleased to be able to coordinate with our community partners and support small businesses as they work through the reopening process,” said GEODC Executive Director Susan Christensen. “These grant funds from Business Oregon will support women, minority, disadvantaged, and sole proprietor businesses as they make their comeback.”

“Many businesses have been hit hard by COVID-19, and the Small Business Relief Fund was funded by the State’s Emergency Board and administered by Business Oregon to assist the most vulnerable, giving businesses support needed to come back from it,” said Ryan DeGrofft, Business Oregon Regional Development Officer for Umatilla, Morrow, Gilliam and Wheeler counties. “By focusing on the businesses that did not receive CARES Act or other federal funding, we hope to provide an equitable road to recovery.”

For more information, visit the GEODC website.