Good Shepherd Ready to Give Out Hundreds of Free Flu Shots


Good Shepherd Health Care System (GSHCS) is providing another free drive-thru flu shot event this Saturday, Nov. 14.

The event goes from 8 a.m. to noon on the main hospital campus located at 610 N.W. 11th St., in Hermiston.

“Getting your flu vaccination this year is even more important than in the past as we continue to struggle through this COVID-19 pandemic.,” said Dr. Matthew Carlson, Family Medicine physician at Good Shepherd Urgent Care. “Statistics from the 2019 flu season show that by getting your child vaccinated, it will reduce their risk of even needing to go to the doctor by 55 percent.  Help reduce your risk of infection and of transmitting the virus to a more vulnerable loved one or neighbor by getting your flu shot.”

Last month’s drive-thru event administered more than 600 flu shots to individuals throughout Umatilla and Morrow counties.  GSHCS has another 850 regular doses and 300 high doses (for those 65 and older) available to give out on Saturday.

The event is open to all individuals 6 months and above with a first-come, first-served process. Mask/cloth face coverings are required. Registration forms in both English and Spanish are available online at  Individuals are encouraged to complete the form online in advance, print and bring with them to the event.  If access to a printer is not available, individuals can email their form to  Forms will also be available at the event.

Call 541-667-3509 for more information.