Donations to Christmas Express Food Drive Down 80% From Normal


The annual canned food drive to support the Hermiston Police Department’s Christmas Express needs some additional community support.

The current collection is about 20 percent of what it normally is at this point in the food drive. Hermiston Mayor Dave Drotzmann, in a Facebook message, asked the community to step up in the coming days.


“The Christmas Express Program serves over 500 families with a turkey meal including all the fixings and gifts for the children in the household,” he wrote. “It’s a great program ran by Police Chief Edmiston and the Hermiston Police Department. This program has historically been funded by Rotary with a canned-food drive done at the local schools. Unfortunately, due to the kids not being in school, our current can food collection is about 20 percent of normal.

“If you could please find it in your hearts to pick up an extra bag of canned food and/or dry goods, there is a convenient drive through/drop off option at the Hermiston Community Center during office hours this week.

Thank you HERMISTON for supporting these families and making their Christmas a little brighter.”

Now through Dec. 11 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., staff will be on hand to accept non-perishable food items in front of the Hermiston Community Center, 415 S. Highway 395. Remember: no glass containers of any kind.