UEC, Christian Center Pitch In to Support Christmas Express Program


The Hermiston Police Department’s Christmas Express food drive got a major shot in the arm Thursday thanks to Umatilla Electric Cooperative and the Hermiston Christian Center.

HPD Cpt. Travis Eynon said the morning started out looking bleak.

“We started Thursday morning at about 25 percent of our normal collection for our Christmas Express can drive,” said Eynon. “After spending almost two straight weeks collecting food for the program, we were beginning to get pretty concerned.”

A crew from Umatilla Electric Cooperative drops off food, gifts and cash on Thursday for the Hermiston Police Department’s Christmas Express program. (Photos courtesy of HPD)

Until a crew from UEC showed up with food, gifts and cash collected from employees and their families.

That was followed by a visit from the Hermiston Christian Center, who also had held its own food and gift drive for the Christmas Express program.

“Those two visits almost doubled our collection to date,” said Eynon. “We would like to send out a huge thank you to the Umatilla Electric Co-op and to the Hermiston Christian Center. This is why we love our community. Times are a little tough right now and as always, this community steps up.”

Today is the last day to donate to the Christmas Express program. From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., staff will be on hand to accept non-perishable food items in front of the Hermiston Community Center, 415 S. Highway 395.