Fair Announces 2021 Fair Court


The Umatilla County Fair Board has announced the names of the 2021 Fair Court.

On the court will be returning Princesses Brielle Youncs of Pendleton and Keeva Hoston of Hermiston. New to the court will be Princess Alexis Bowen and Princess Madaline White, both of Pendleton.

Bowen has shown sheep in Open Class, 4-H and FFA at the Umatilla County Fair since she was 6 years old. She is on the varsity swim team at Pendleton High school, and is currently the Pendleton FFA chapter treasurer as well as having been a member of the National Honors Society since the sixth grade. She enjoys working on her grandparents’ farm, riding her horse, hunting, fishing and snowboarding.

White has shown sheep and submitted sewing projects at the Umatilla County Fair since 2014. She is currently the Pendleton FFA chapter secretary. She enjoys participating in the county’s junior livestock shows and mentoring others. Her growing flock of show lambs keeps her busy as she intends to produce club lambs for other exhibitors.

Rebecca Manning of Pendleton will serve a second year as fair court chaperone.

Despite the cancellation of the 2020 Umatilla County Fair due to the COVID-19 pandemic, last year’s fair court, which included Kyleigh Sepulveda and Baylee Marshall, remained positive even with limited appearances and events. All four members were integral in garnering support for the Youth Livestock Auction with their social media videos and behind-the-scenes community support.

The fair board also announced that the 2020 Fair Appreciation Dinner will be held in May.